The School Day
The school office is open from 8.30am until 4.30pm (40 hours per week).
The school gates open at 8.30am and morning registration is from 8.40-8.55am. School finishes for Reception pupils at 3.05pm and at 3.15pm for pupils in Years 1-6.
Between 8:30am and 8:40am, children enter school via their allocated gate.
Each day begins with an act of Christian worship.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Exploring our school values led by the Headteacher
Child-led/class-led or teacher-led worship exploring a current theme or school value
Hymns of Praise led by our music teacher
Visitor-led worship/whole school mass led by local clergy or class assembly |
Celebration worship
After collective worship children in Years 1-6 will often undertake guided reading with their class teacher and associated teaching and learning assistants. The remainder of the morning is spent focusing on the core subjects of English, phonics, guided reading and maths, with a break during the morning.
Children have 30 minutes in which to eat their lunch – either a hot school meal or packed lunch from home, and 30 minutes for outdoor play, in their designated section of the playground.
During the afternoon, learning focusses on other subjects in the curriculum, with many adopting a cross-curricular theme. Each subject is time tabled to ensure children experience a broad and balanced curriculum.
Each year, provision is made for children in Years 2 to 5 (and those children in Year 6 who have not yet reached the National Curriculum requirement of swimming 25m) to undertake swimming lessons at the local swimming pool.
The school day finishes between 3:05pm and 3:15pm depending on the time a class has started their school day.