Vision, Aims and Values
Celebrating learning together in faith, hope and love
Our vision is that we will grow in the God-given virtues of “faith, hope and love” (1 Corinthians 13:13): having faith in God or being inspired by faith; having hope that we can work to change ourselves and the world for the better; and having love for others, reflecting God’s love for everyone.
Our Vision and Aims Statement is underpinned by our spiritual values. As a Church of England school, much of what we do is shaped by our Christian values, they shape how we learn and treat each other. This ensures a sense of common purpose and mutual respect within our school community. Our Christian character impacts upon the achievement of each child in its widest sense, including the academic and personal development of all learners, together with their well-being and spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Our spiritual values also link to our shared British values of tolerance, mutual respect, individual liberty, democracy and the rule of law.
At Bishop Perrin School, the whole school community was involved in selecting our spiritual values. Each year group has their own spiritual value which they learn about in detail and aim to promote throughout the school. In addition to this, each year we have a whole school spiritual value which changes on a yearly basis. Our spiritual values are at the heart of our worship calendar enabling children to learn about all of our Christian values.
Below is further information about each of our spiritual values and Bible stories that you may find supportive in teaching your child about these values.
Year Group |
Spiritual Value |
Bible Stories |
Luke 5:1-11 Jesus’ special friends John 21: 9-14 Breakfast by Galilee Matthew 18. 10-14 The Parable of the Lost Sheep
Year 1
Romans 5:1-5 Faith’s reward Matthew 12: 18-23 God’s chosen servant Philippians 3:7-16 Running towards the Goal
Year 2
Matthew 21 Palm Sunday Isaiah 9 The Future King Matthew 5: 43-48 Love for Enemies
Year 3
Matthew 6: 7-15 The Lord’s Prayer Luke 15: 3-7 The Parable of the Lost Sheep 2 Corinthians 5:17-6:2 God forgives our sins
Year 4
Exodus 20 The Ten Commandments Luke 19: 1-10 Zacchaeus the Tax Collector Daniel 6 Daniel in the Pit of Lions
Year 5
Mark 6: 30-44 The Feeding of the five thousand Mark 6: 6b-13 Jesus Sends out the Twelve Disciples John 13: 1-20 Jesus Washes his Disciples’ Feet Luke 10: 25-37 The Good Samaritan
Year 6
Luke 18: 1-8 The Parable of the Widow and the Judge Exodus 4-6 Moses and the Pharaoh 1 Kings 3 The True Mother Daniel 5 Belshazzar’s Feast