Collective Worship




At Bishop Perrin Church of England Primary School, meeting together to worship together is a central part of school life. We choose to start our day with Collective Worship at 8.55am as a positive way to bring the whole school community together at the start of the day. Children are then encouraged to take what they have learnt about in Worship through the rest of their day. The daily act of worship provides a unique opportunity for the school community to re-affirm its beliefs and ponder questions of profound meaning. It also provides an opportunity to celebrate what is good, to establish common ideals and identify ways of working and living well together – all of which contribute to the children’s overall development.


As a Church of England voluntary aided school, our worship is essentially Christian and conducted within an educational context. However, our community is diverse and Collective Worship aims to be inclusive, invitational and inspiring, and respectful of individual beliefs. It is important to us that everyone feels welcome and everyone can take part, without compulsion.


Through Collective Worship we have the opportunity to:

·         express praise and thanksgiving to God;

·         be still and reflect on the ‘wow’ moments of life;

·         explore the big questions of life and respond to national events;

·         foster respect and deepen spiritual awareness;

·         reflect on the character of God and on the teachings of Christ,

·         affirm our Christian values and the importance of them in our lives;

·         share each other’s joys and challenges;

·         celebrate special times in the Christian calendar.

·         learn about festivals important to other world faiths.


Collective Worship is guided by our vision, ‘celebrating learning together in faith, hope and love’. Through this daily opportunity to be together, children and staff experience moments of prayer, praise and spiritual reflection. The children and staff of Bishop Perrin School, irrespective of their faith, beliefs and background, enjoy these times of togetherness and unity.


Staff, clergy and children bring the Bible and its messages to life through story, imagery, music, song and drama. We celebrate and commemorate key moments of the liturgical year, alongside those occasions which have meaning and value for us as a school. We regularly have visitors come in to school to lead Collective Worship.


During Collective Worship, prayers are offered for our school, our local community and the wider world. We use traditional Christian prayers such as the Lord’s Prayer, our own school prayer and prayers written by the children themselves.


Our local churches of St Augustine’s and Ss Philip and James’ are an extension of our school. Our classes regularly visit the churches and we hold termly Mass at St Augustine’s Church to celebrate Christmas, Easter and the end of the school year. Parents are always invited to attend this whole school Mass in church. Vicars and visitors from the churches will regularly lead Collective Worship.


Our Faith Ambassadors reflect on and influence Collective Worship, giving feedback about what they have learnt, what they have enjoyed and also ideas for further improvement.


The timetable for Collective Worship is as follows:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Exploring our Spiritual Values and linked to the theme from the Lectionary that week by the Headteacher

Child-led/class-led or teacher-led worship exploring a current theme or Spiritual Value

Hymns of Praise led by our music teacher

Visitor-led worship/whole school mass led by local clergy  or class assembly

Celebration worship led by teachers


Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Collective Worship; we are proud that all children, staff and parents want to attend.




Prayers important to our school


The School Prayer:

This is our school.

Let us celebrate our learning

In faith, hope and love for one another.

Let us be a community of learners

and help us to support and respect each other.

Let us remember those who have helped us

and say thank you for our teachers and friends.

Let us have confidence in ourselves

and help us to live by our spiritual values.

Please guide us on our learning journey

to be the best that we can be.

Let us remember that

as many hands build a house

so many hearts build Bishop Perrin School.



Lunch time Grace:

For good food and good friends,

we thank the Lord,



Going home prayer:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,

We thank you for our friendships and the lessons we have learnt and for keeping us safe throughout the day.

Send us out in the power of your spirit to live and work to your praise and glory.



The Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed by thy name.

Thy Kingdom come,

thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

the power and the glory,

for ever and ever.




Every class also has a Class Prayer Book which contains a prayer written by every child. These are taken to Collective Worship daily and used regularly.