Our staff are a professional, experienced and hard-working team who are dedicated to the providing the best education and school experiences for the children at Bishop Perrin School.
Teaching Staff
** Denotes Member of Senior Leadership Team (SLT) # Denotes member of Operations
Substantive Headteacher
Adrian Corke
Mr Corke is currently on secondment
2023-2024 - The King's CoE Primary School, Kew
2024-2025 - St. John the Baptist CoE Junior School in Hampton Wick
Interim Head teacher
Miss Rachael Macklearn**
DDSL / Health and Safety / Attendance / Curriculum / Teaching and Learning / Parents / CPD and INSET / Reading Curriculum Leader / Art Curriculum Leader
Interim Deputy Head teacher
Miss Mary McAvoy**
DSL / Child Protection and Online Safety/ Inclusion Leader / Maths Curriculum Leader/ EYFS Leader / Behaviour / PSHE Curriculum Leader
Interim Assistant Head Teacher / Year 6 Teacher
Miss Jo Sweeney
Wider Curriculum / Educational Visits Leader / Assessment Leader / Writing Curriculum Leader / Science Curriculum Leader / ECT Tutor
Year 6 Teacher (Friday)
Mr David Towns
Year 5 Teacher
Mrs Amanda Crinall
Spiritual & Moral Values Leader / RE and PHSE Curriculum Leader
Year 4 Teacher
Miss Derri Murray
ECT 2 / Foreign Languages Curriculum Leader
Year 3 Teacher
Miss Rachel Lawrence
Computing Leader
Year 2 Teacher (2 days) and music teacher
Mrs Jacqui Place
Music and History Curriculum Leader
Year 2 Teacher (3 days)
Miss Ruth Lancaster
D&T Curriculum Leader
Year 1 Teacher (4 days)
Mrs Avril Beith
Geography Curriculum Leader
Year 1 Teacher (Friday)
Mrs Elise Lawton
Year R Teacher
Miss Ashlea Holloway
ECT Mentor / PE Curriculum Leader
PE Coach (JS Sports)
Interventions Teacher
Mrs. Monica Davidian-Chichon
Phonics Curriculum Leader
Spanish Teacher (Part-time)
Mrs. Maria Jaen Sanz
Foreign Languages Curriculum Leader
Support Staff
HR Officer, Data Protection Officer
Mrs Ivy Sy #
Finance and Administration Officer
Miss Jessica de Boissiere #
Marketing and Admissions Officer (Maternity Cover)
Ms. Raihan Ruslan #
Facilities and Site Manager
Mr. Tom Murray #
Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Extended Schools Supervisor, Playteam Leader
Mrs. Victoria Phelan
Teaching and Learning Assistant
Mrs. Angela Vanstone
Teaching and Learning Assistant
Miss Mandy Kaill
Teaching and Learning Assistant
Mrs. Ness Rogerson
Teaching and Learning Assistant
Mrs. Nuala Carlin-Kelly
Teaching and Learning Assistant / Lunchtime Playleader
Mrs. Zaheera Hussein
Teaching and Learning Assistant / Lunchtime Playleader
Mrs. Carol Jasper
Teaching and Learning Assistant
Mrs. Christiana Lambrias
Teaching and Learning Assistant
Mrs. Ahabun Miah
Teaching and Learning Assistant
Ms. Jane Poole
Teaching and Learning Assistant
Mrs. Maria Sharif
Welfare Assistant (P/T)
Mrs. Jackie Sandell
Welfare Assistant (P/T)
Ms. Jane Poole