The Role of Governors
Core Functions of the Governing Board
Strategic Direction
The governing board of Bishop Perrin School help set the vision, ethos and aims of our school. This means that we agree, together with our school’s senior leadership team, a clear vision for the future, ensuring pupil progress and achievement are at the heart of everything we do.
We make sure that there is a strategy in place to achieve our vision, with defined, stretching objectives . Alongside the senior leadership team, we set the key priorities for our school, closely monitoring progress against objectives and providing robust challenge where improvement is needed. The governing board approves policies and plans devised by the school to achieve our aims, questioning and refining any proposals as required.
The governing board is also responsible for making sure our school has effective safeguarding policies and procedures in place and for keeping abreast of government guidance on what arrangements we must make to safeguard and promote the welfare of each pupil at Bishop Perrin School. We therefore have a governor with particular responsibility for safeguarding at our school.
The senior leadership team at Bishop Perrin School is accountable to the governing board and reports regularly to us on performance and progress. We provide a careful balance of challenge and support, recognising our school’s many strengths and holding our senior leadership team to account for managing those areas which need improvement.
We do not rely solely on the information provided to us by the senior leadership team to monitor how our school is doing. We refer to various sources of local and national objective data and information as well as carrying our governor walks and visits to sense check the information we are provided by our senior leaders and to enable us to ask more searching and informed questions of our school.
Governing Board Meetings
The full governing board meets six times each year. The minutes from these meetings are published below.
Each governor takes on responsibilities linked to school improvement and school accountability. Examples of these responsibilities include; safegaurding, health and safety, curriculum, budget monitoring, parental engagement and governor training,
Governors are required to meet with members of school staff who share the same responsibility/responsibilities as them and complete a report that is then shared with the rest of the governing body. In most cases, the structure of the meeting with members of staff will focus on gathering evidence to gauge progress against objectives laid out in the school's annual development plan.
Training for Governors
Each governor has to undertake mandatory training when they join the governing board, and refresh this training regularly throughout their terms. This training is done in governor’s own time, or as part of extended full governing board meetings. We also have a number of governors with special responsibilities; for example for pupil premium, health and safety, or safeguarding, and those governors undertake extra training to ensure they are equipped to carry out these lead roles. We make sure that we have the right mix of expertise on our governing body. We carry out regular skills audits, identifying any training or experience that we are lacking and building capacity to make sure we do our job well.
Who We Are
Bishop Perrin has 12 governors consisting of:
2 parent governors elected by parent and carers
1 Local Authority governor
the Headteacher
1 staff governor elected by Bishop Perrin staff
7 Foundation Governors (from the Church and Diocese) who are: 2 appointed by the Parochial Church Council of St Augustine’s Church, Whitton, 2 appointed by the Parochial Church Council of SS Philip and James Church, Whitton, 2 appointed by the London Diocesan Board for Schools,1 Foundation Ex-officio Governor who is the Vicar of St Augustine’s Church
In addition the governing board can appoint sssociate governors who are often chosen specifically to deal with issues which arise within their area of expertise.
List of Governors and Responsibilities
Category of Governor
Mrs Alwyn Williams
Foundation St Augustine's PCC
Finance Group (Interim)
Admissions Panel
Health and Safety
HT Recruitment Panel
RE & Ethos (temp)
Pay Panel
Strategic Group
Mr Russell Nimmo
Co - Vice Chair
Foundation St Philips’ and St James’ PCC
Data Impact Group (temp)
HT Performance Panel
HT Recruitment Panel
RE & Ethos
Complaints Panel
Strategic Group
Mrs Kerry Doggett
Co - Vice Chair
Foundation St Augustine's PCC
Finance Group (Chair)
HT Performance Panel
HT Recruitment Panel
Pay Panel
Strategic Group
Mrs Lucy James
Foundation St Philips' and St James' PCC
Health and Safety
HT Performance Panel
Rachael Macklearn
Interim Headteacher
Data Impact Group
Finance Group
Admissions Panel
Health and Safety
Equalities, Race & Diversity
Complaints Panel
Pay Panel
Exclusions Panel
Strategic Group
Mrs Wahida Alladin
Admissions Panel (Chair)
SEND, PPG & Behaviour
Equalities, Race & Diversity
Catherine Reddin
Ms. Mary McAvoy
Interim Deputy Headteacher
Data Impact Group
SEND, PPG & Behaviour
Strategic Group
Mrs Ivy Sy
Governor Training & Development
Exclusions Panel
Foundation ExOfficio
Foundation LDBS
Local Authority
School Association - Associate
Term and Appointment
Please click on the link below to see the names of our governors and their Terms of Appointment.
Term and Appointment
Declaration of Interests
Bishop Perrin Governing Board Declaration of Interests as declared by all Governing Board membership within the last 12 months.
1. Declarations of interest log which includes
relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests)
governance roles in other educational institutions;
any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives)
Declaration of Interests
Governor Code of Conduct
All our governors abide by our Code of Conduct. Please click on the link below to see this document.
Governors Code of Conduct
Instrument of Governance
The Instrument of Government sets out the constitution of our governing body. Please click on the link below to read it.
Instrument of Government
Please check on the link below to see the attendance of governors at both full governor meetings and associated committee meetings.
Attendance Record of Governors 2020-2021
Attendance Record of Governots 2021-2022