“Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams- they all have different names, but they all contain water. Just as religions do- they all contain truths.” – Muhammed Ali
It is our school vision to ‘Celebrate learning together in faith, hope and love’ (1 Corinthians 13:13). Our Religious Education (RE) lessons are an important way in which we achieve this. In RE, children are taught about diversity- children learn about different faiths and how there is diversity within each faith. Children are taught to respect people and their different beliefs- whether they have a faith or none. Through learning about different faiths, everyone is made to feel like they belong in our school and children are also taught to be respectful citizens of the world beyond our school community.
RE Whole School Overview 2024/2025
Our RE curriculum intends to enable all children to become religiously literate through a systematic enquiry-based approach to the teaching of RE. Our curriculum is progressive, building on the skills and knowledge developed in previous years. Through our curriculum, we intend to enable pupils to know about and understand Christianity and other major world religions, as well as contribute to the development of pupils’ own spiritual beliefs. Our RE curriculum enables pupils to be critical thinkers and ask deep and meaningful questions through our use of learning questions. Our curriculum intends to enable children to make connections within and across religions and world views, as well as build upon knowledge learnt in previous years. We will ensure that children are given opportunities to reflect, respond to and express their own opinions and beliefs as well as make their own choices and decisions concerning religion and belief.
Here at Bishop Perrin we have adopted the London Diocesan Board for Schools Syllabus for teaching Religious Education. This fulfils all legal requirements and entitlement as a Church of England school. Two-thirds of the curriculum is based on the teachings of Christianity. One-third of the curriculum is based on the teaching of other faiths.