Design and Technology
‘Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.’ – Steve Jobs (industrial designer, co-founder and CEO of Apple)
It is our school vision to ‘Celebrate learning together in faith, hope and love’ (1 Corinthians 13:13). Design and Technology enables children to take risks and work together as a team to solve real life problems. They learn about different inventors so they can evaluate the work of others and be inspired to make their own designs. The children begin to develop an understanding of the impact of design and technology on daily life and the wider world. This can give them hope for the future where people can contribute to their community and beyond.
Design and Technology Subject Progression Framework
At Bishop Perrin School we believe that design and technology helps to prepare children for the developing world and encourages them to become curious and creative problem-solvers, both as individuals and as part of a team. We provide opportunities for children to work in a range of relevant contexts, reflecting the real world. We seek to develop children’s ability to investigate, analyse and evaluate a range of products, applying their understanding and technical knowledge across a range of products and materials. Wherever possible we link work to other subjects such as maths, science, computing and art.