
“I have a passion for teaching kids to become readers, to become comfortable with a book, not daunted. Books shouldn’t be daunting, they should be funny, exciting and wonderful; and learning to be a reader gives a terrific advantage.” – Roald Dahl


English Subject Progression Framework



Key Text Framework

Through a rich and varied reading curriculum we intend to instil a love and enjoyment of reading, encouraging all children to choose to read for pleasure and in the pursuit of knowledge across the curriculum. All children have the opportunity to read and explore a wide range of high-quality books and poetry, with access to a diverse mix of authors and genres to help them to discover their interests and preferences in reading. Where necessary, we will provide early interventions to support those children who find reading difficult to ensure that reading does not become a barrier for accessing learning in other subjects.


Writing Genre Framework

Through our writing curriculum we intend to inspire children to write, through a love of reading. We support children to confidently communicate their thoughts and ideas coherently and imaginatively, first through the spoken word, then through writing. We intend for them to appreciate the value in writing that is imaginative, creative and engaging whilst recognising the importance of technical accuracy. We seek to instil an enjoyment of writing by providing the children with access to a wide variety of text types and providing them with opportunities to write for a purpose that is meaningful to them. We seek creative ways to capture and inspire their imagination and show them how to structure their ideas coherently. We value the different stages of the writing process, spending time teaching each stage explicitly, and sharing and celebrating final published pieces.


Our spelling curriculum intends to support children in a language-rich exploration of the origins and meaning of words, equipping them with the skills and strategies they need to help them to be able to spell words accurately whilst understanding their meaning and context. We intend to engage the children in their learning of spelling through games and investigate word activities and encourage them to spell accurately in their writing.


Early Letter Formation – Reception Autumn 1

Early Letter Formation – Reception Autumn 2

How to Write Capital Letters

A progressively planned handwriting curriculum from Year R – 6 supports children in developing fine motor skills, correct pencil grip, early letter formation, evenly sized and correctly formed letters; progressing to joined, legible handwriting using a pen by the time they leave in Year 6. Children are encouraged to present all their work neatly and to the best of their ability.